TENDER NOTICE: RFQ-XKX-001751 for the supply of Food, Non-Food items and Hygienic items
The Danish Refugee Council, Kosovo operation (DRC), has received funds from the European Union for the implementation of a project “Supporting durable solutions for collective centre residents in Kosovo- Phase II” and invites all interested and qualified economic operators to submit offers for the supply of Food, Non-Food items and Hygienic items, as per the details below:
Procedure reference number: RFQ-XKX-001751
Launch date: 18/10/2023
Closing date for requesting clarifications: 23/10/2023
Deadline for submitting offers: 01/11/2023 at 12:00
The tender dossier with all relevant documents can be requested through this e-mail address: xkx-procurement@drc.ngo