Workshop on durable solutions for internally displaced persons
On 24/08/2017 DRC facilitated a workshop funded by UNHCR and aimed at the development of conclusions stemming from the findings of the Profiling of Internally Displaced Persons in Kosovo project. The project, funded by the Ministry for Communities and Return with support from UNHCR and the Joint IDP Profiling Service, and implemented by DRC, entailed the survey of a sample of IDP households which took place in 2016. The drafting of a report presenting data on demographics, capacities, vulnerabilities, challenges and durable solutions preferences is currently in its finalisation stage and will be released by the end of the year. A fully participatory process ensured that a number of institutions and international organisations involved in the provision of durable solutions to the displacement situation were directly engaged in the design, implementation and management of the project, so as to achieve a truly multi–stakeholder outcome.