200 children and youths from Roma Mahalla Mitrovicë/a take part in Let's clean Kosovo
On 22 May, DRC in cooperation with LNGOs Caritas Kosovo, RADC, Shukarno Talenti and the Municipality of Mitrovicë/a supported 200 children and youths from the Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian community to clean their neighbourhood for "Let’s clean Kosovo". The cleanups are a part of the global civic movement Let’s Do It! World Cleanup 2015, which aims to solve the illegal dumping problem on a local and global level both short and long term – by engaging a large part of the society in a cleanup activity on an action day.
The Municipal Directorate of Culture, Youth and Sport sponsored gloves, masks and garbage bags to help the children clean their neighbourhood safely. The local Public Utility company Uniteti supported the event by picking up all the collected trash for disposal. Even local business owners hosted in the Social Business Incubator joined the cleanup.
For the younger children, the local Learning Centre also organized an exhibition of drawings, reading of poems and a fashion show showcasing creations made from recycled materials. The day was concluded by a performance of the local folklore dance group Shukarno Tallenti.
The children's environmental actions are supported through the Sida-funded project: Support to Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian Community in Mitrovicë/a.