DRC welcomes interns from the International Business College Mitrovicë/a
As part of an MoU signed with the International Business College Mitrovicë/a, Danish Refugee Council offers IBCM students the opportunity to participate in an internship programme with DRC's field office in Mitrovicë/a.
IBCM students were invited to apply for internship positions in either the community or economic development component of the Stabilization of Roma Ashkalia and Egyptian (RAE) Communities Project in Roma Mahalla.
Following applicant interviews by a panel consisting of DRC and IBCM representatives, we are happy to welcome Manuela and Arben to our team.
“This is an opportunity for me to work with people and vulnerable groups in particular. I am most excited about being part of the monitoring of activities in Roma Mahalla. Talking to people and listening to their issues is what drives a good project, I believe.”
The interns will assist DRC staff in their daily work and get an insight into all aspects of working with and for communities in Mitrovicë/a. The internship programme started in October and will last until the end of December 2013. DRC considers this internship program a great opportunity to provide work experience to talented youths and benefit from their skills in turn.
“This is a unique chance for me to gain practical skills. Everything I learned in IBCM’s Public Service Management can now be demonstrated and explored even deeper in this organization. DRC works with all communities, and in this project specifically with RAE which motivates me to learn more about them. I look forward to working more closely with this community at the Social Business Incubator in Roma Mahalla.”
More information about IBCM and the courses on offer can be found here
The DRC Kosovo Stabilisation of Roma, Ashkalia and Egyptian Communities Project in Roma Mahalla Mitrovicë/Mitrovica is funded by Sida.