After performing stages 4 and 5 in the selection process, the following applications satisfied the criteria listed in section 4.2 of the Guidelines for Applicants and will hence be evaluated further:

·       518-632/MVI/001

·       518-632/MVI/004

·       518-632/MVI/005

The call for project proposals is launched by the Danish Refugee Council within the Supporting Social Entrepreneurship and Promoting Socio-economic Empowerment in Minority Communities in Kosovo project funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency represented by the Swedish Embassy in Kosovo.



After performing the first three stages in the selection process, the following applications satisfied the criteria listed in section 4.2 of the Guidelines for Applicants and will hence be evaluated further:

·       518-632/MVI/001

·       518-632/MVI/004

·       518-632/MVI/005

The call for project proposals is launched by the Danish Refugee Council within the Supporting Social Entrepreneurship and Promoting Socio-economic Empowerment in Minority Communities in Kosovo project funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency represented by the Swedish Embassy in Kosovo.

Invitation to tender: Provision of security services for two DRC Offices in Mitrovicë/Mitrovica (Re-tender)


The Danish Refugee Council (DRC), with funding from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, invites all interested and qualified companies to participate in the following tender procedure:

Tender name: Provision of security services for two DRC Offices in Mitrovicë/Mitrovica
Tender number: XZ-518-632-2018-001-Retender2
Tender issuing date: 30/07/2018
Deadline for requesting tender dossier: 08/08/2018, 13:00
Technical meeting: 13/08/2018, 10:00, DRC Office, Shemsi Ahmeti Boulevard 99, Mitrovicë/Mitrovica
Deadline for requesting clarifications: 15/08/2018
Closing date for clarifications 17/08/2018
Deadline for submitting bids: 28/08/2018, 14:00

The tender dossier with all relevant and detailed information can be requested from this address: procurement@drc-kosovo.org

Please clearly indicate in the subject line of your e-mail the tender name and number when requesting the tender documents.


Please be advised that the evaluation of applications of the project proposals submitted through Call for Proposals from local non-governmental organizations in Mitrovicë/Mitrovica, Kosovo is postponed until August 2018. 

The Danish Refugee Council Kosovo (DRC), with funds from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency represented by the Swedish Embassy in Kosovo (Sida), is implementing this Call for Proposals within its Supporting Social Entrepreneurship and Promoting Socio-economic Empowerment in Minority Communities in Kosovo project.

INVITATION to TENDER for Provision of security services for two DRC Offices in Mitrovicë/Mitrovica – RE-TENDERED

The Danish Refugee Council (DRC), with funding from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, invites all interested and qualified companies to participate in the following tender procedure:

Tender name: Provision of security services for two DRC Offices in Mitrovicë/Mitrovica
Tender number: XZ-518-632-2018-001-R
Tender issuing date: 13/06/2018
Deadline for requesting tender dossier: 22/06/2018, 13:00
Technical meeting: 25/06/2018, 10:00, DRC Office, Shemsi Ahmeti Boulevard 99, Mitrovicë/Mitrovica
Deadline for requesting clarifications: 28/06/2018
Closing date for clarifications: 02/07/2018
Deadline for submitting bids: 09/07/2018, 16:00

The tender dossier with all relevant and detailed information can be requested from this address: procurement-mvi@drc-kosovo.org.

Please clearly indicate in the subject line of your e-mail the tender name and number when requesting the tender documents.



The Danish Refugee Council, Kosovo operation (DRC), with funds from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency represented by the Swedish Embassy in Kosovo (Sida), is calling for the submission of project proposals within its Supporting Social Entrepreneurship and Promoting Socio-economic Empowerment in Minority Communities in Kosovo project.

Details on the call for project proposals are below.  The call dossier can be requested at projectassist@drc-kosovo.org.  Participation to the information-sharing meeting is open only to the organisations that requested the call dossier by the deadline stated below, and is mandatory for all applicants.

Eligible applicants
Local Non-Governmental Organisations in Mitrovicë/Mitrovica

Target and aim of the call
Supporting the integration of Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities, girls, boys, women and men in Mitrovicë/Mitrovica South

Thematic areas: Education, Gender equality, Environment, Social inclusion, Cultural promotion

Call publication date: 08/06/2018

Deadline for requesting the call dossier: 13/06/2018, 16:00:

Information-sharing meeting: 14/06/2018, 10:00, DRC Office, Shemsi Ahmeti Boulevard 99, Mitrovicë/a

Deadline for applications: 06/07/2018, 13:00

Invitation to tender: Provision of security services for two DRC Offices in Mitrovicë/Mitrovica


The Danish Refugee Council (DRC), with funding from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, invites all interested and qualified companies to participate in the following tender procedure:

Tender name: Provision of security services for two DRC Offices in Mitrovicë/Mitrovica

Tender number: XZ-518-632-2018-001

Tender issuing date: 29/05/2018

Deadline for requesting tender dossier: 04/06/2018, 17:00

Technical meeting: 07/06/2018, 10:00, DRC Office, Shemsi Ahmeti Boulevard 99, Mitrovicë/Mitrovica

Deadline for requesting clarifications: 13/06/2018

Deadline for submitting bids: 22/06/2018, 13:00

The tender dossier with all relevant and detailed information can be requested from this address: procurement-mvi@drc-kosovo.org.

Please clearly indicate in the subject line of your e-mail the tender name and number when requesting the tender documents.

Notification on extended deadline for submission of tender DRC/KOS/Goods/2018-001 -Supply of 2 vehicles-Retender

Reference: DRC/KOS/Goods/2018-001 -Supply of 2 vehicles-Retender

The Danish Refugee Council (DRC) Kosovo informs all interested contractors that the deadline for submission of tenders  for Supply of two vehicles as per ITB with reference number DRC/KOS/Goods/2018-001 is extended  to

07 February 2018     Time 11:00 (Kosovo time).

New deadline for issuing clarifications is 05 February 2018.

The ITB documents with all relevant and detailed information can be requested from this address:


Please clearly indicate in the subject line of your e-mail the tender name and number when requesting the tender documents.

DRC/KOS/Goods/2018-001 -Supply of 2 vehicles-Retender

The Danish Refugee Council (DRC) Kosovo invites interested and qualified contractors to participate in the tender for Supply of two vehicles.

ITB Release Date:            23 January 2018

ITB Closure Date:            31 January 2018              Time: 11:00 (Kosovo time)

The ITB documents with all relevant and detailed information can be requested from this address:


 Please clearly indicate in the subject line of your e-mail the tender name and number when requesting the tender documents.

Invitation to bid: Supply of vehicles

DRC/KOS/Goods/2018-001 -Supply of 2 vehicles

The Danish Refugee Council (DRC) Kosovo invites interested and qualified contractors to participate in the tender for Supply of two vehicles.

ITB Release Date: 04 January 2018

ITB Closure Date: 19 January 2018 Time: 11:00 (Kosovo time)

 The ITB documents with all relevant and detailed information can be requested from this address: procurement@drc-kosovo.org

Please clearly indicate in the subject line of your e-mail the tender name and number when requesting the tender documents.

Invitation to Quote: Sale of a vehicle / Ftesë për Ofertë: Shitja e veturës

Invitation to Quote

DRC/Kos/Sale/01-2017- Sale of a vehicle

The Danish Refugee Council (DRC) Kosovo intends to sale Nissan X Trail vehicle, Production year: 2005, Capacity: 2.2 cm3, Fuel type:Diesel and therefore invites those interested to quote. All information related to the vehicle and needed documentations can be requested from this address: procurement@drc-kosovo.org latest by 02.11.2017 at 14:00. Please clearly indicate in the subject line of your e-mail the Reference number DRC/Kos/Sale/01-2017 when requesting the documents.


Ftesë për Ofertë

DRC/Kos/Sale/01-2017- Shitja e veturës

Këshilli Danez për Refugjat (DRC) në Kosovë ka për qëllim shitjen e automjetit Nissan X Trail, Viti i prodhimit: 2005, Kapaciteti: 2.2cm3, Lloji i Karburantit: Naftë dhe për këtë arsye fton ata që janë të interesuar të ofertojnë. Të gjitha informatat lidhur me automjetin dhe dokumentacionin e nevojshëm mund të kërkohen nga kjo adresë: procurement@drc-kosovo.org më së voni deri më 02.11.2017 në orën 14:00. Ju lutemi specifikoni në titullin e emailit tuaj numrin e referencës DRC/Kos/Sale/01-2017 kur të kërkoni dokumentet.

Invitation to Bid: RE-TENDER 517-650/Service/02-17- Rehabilitation services of 12 apartments in Mitrovicë/a North

517-650/Service/02-17- Rehabilitation services of 12 apartments in Mitrovicë/a North

The Danish Refugee Council (DRC) Kosovo invites interested and qualified contractors to participate in the tender for Rehabilitation (minor shelter repair) of 12 apartments in Mitrovicë/a North

ITB Release Date:            11 October 2017

ITB Closure Date:            25 October 2017               Time: 14:00 (Kosovo time)

The ITB documents with all relevant and detailed information can be requested from this address:


Please clearly indicate in the subject line of your e-mail the tender name and number when requesting the tender documents.

Invitation-to-Bid: 517-650/Service/02-17- Rehabilitation services/minor shelter repair in Mitrovicë/a North

517-650/Service/02-17- Rehabilitation services of 12 apartments in Mitrovicë/a North

The Danish Refugee Council (DRC) Kosovo invites interested and qualified contractors to participate in the tender for Rehabilitation (minor shelter repair) of 12 apartments in Mitrovicë/a North

ITB Release Date:            20 September 2017

ITB Closure Date:            05 October 2017               Time: 14:00 (Kosovo time)

The ITB documents with all relevant and detailed information can be requested from this address:


Please clearly indicate in the subject line of your e-mail the tender name and number when requesting the tender documents.

Invitation to Bid: Works tender for the construction of 2 Individual Houses in Gjakovë/Djakovica , KOSOVO

The Danish Refugee Council (DRC), invites all interested and qualified contractors to participate in the tender for CONSTRUCTION OF 2 INDIVIDUAL HOUSES in Gjakovë/Djakovica, Kosovo.

  • Tender Number: ITB No. 517-650/Works/02-2017

  • Tender Issuing date: 21 August 2017

  • Deadline for requesting tender dossier 28 August 2017

  • Information Meeting and Site visit- 29 August 2017 starting at 11:00 in Gjakovë/Djakovica- attendance mandatory.

  • Tender Closing Date: 05 September 2017 at 14.00

The ITB documents with all relevant and detailed information can be requested from this e-mail address:

 procurement@drc-kosovo.org (Monday to Thursday 08:00-17:00, Friday 08:00-14:00)

Please clearly indicate in the subject line of your e-mail the tender name and number when requesting the tender documents.

Cancellation notice: Lot 1 DRC/KOS/Supply/05/2017 Supply of Food, non-food items under a Framework Contract 

Cancellation notice for DRC/KOS/Supply/05/2017 Supply of Food, non-food items, furniture and appliances under a Framework Contract:  Lot 1: Food and non-food items

ITB Release Date:            17 July 2017
ITB Closure Date:            07 August 2017                 Time: 12.00 (Kosovo time)

Reason for cancellation of Lot 1: Insufficient number of bids received.

Clarification No 1: ITB 517-504/Service/02-2017 – Re-Tender Provision of Software Development Services


  • Tender Number: 517-504/Service/02-2017 – Re-Tender

  • Number of lots: 2

·       Tender publication date: 04 August 2017

·       Tender submission deadline: 25 August 2017 at 14.30

Clarifications issued for this tender procedure can be downloaded below:

Clarifications No 1

Invitation to Bid: 517-504/Service/02-2017 – Re-Tender Provision of Software Development Services


The Danish Refugee Council, Kosovo operation, (DRC) invites all interested and eligible contractors to participate in the tendering procedure for the PROVISION OF SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES within a project in the field of civil registration funded by the European Union.

Please find below some basic information on the tender:

  • Tender Number: 517-504/Service/02-2017 – Re-Tender

  • Number of lots: 2

·       Tender publication date: 04 August 2017

·       Tender submission deadline: 25 August 2017 at 14.30

The full tender dossier can be requested from procurement@drc-kosovo.org by 09/08/2017 at 16:00.  Please clearly indicate in the subject line of your e-mail the tender name and number, and lot number, when requesting the tender documents.