Call for Applications from LNGO’S, Prishtinë/Priština region

Call publication date: 13/06/2024

The Danish Refugee Council (DRC), Kosovo operation, is calling for the submission of applications for funds from local Non-Governmental Organizations in Kosovo (LNGOs) in the Pristina Region within the European Union funded project “Support Durable Solutions for Collective centers in Kosovo Phase II” co-financed by the Ministry of Communities & Returns.

The aim of the call for project proposals is to address the challenges faced by children from minority communities living in Kosovo.

 Thematic Area:

  • Education (Afterschool support and extracurricular activities)

Eligible applicants:

·         Local Non-Governmental Organizations are eligible to apply.

·         Local Non-Governmental Organizations working with Communities living in Kosovo are strongly encouraged to apply.

·         Non-profit organizations being legally registered in Kosovo.

Eligible Country: Kosovo

Target location: Suhodoll/Suvi Do, Graqanicë/Gračanica municipality

Duration of project:

Project duration should not exceed a period of 6 months, with the start no later than August 1st, 2024, and be completed by January 31st, 2025, with possibility for extension through a new Sub -Grant Agreement at the awarded monthly rate.

Project proposals should be within a 10,000.00 EUR maximum budget exclusive of VAT.

How to Apply:

Applicants must comply with these Application Preparation and Submission Instructions and Evaluation Process Overview utilize the following for their application:

Application Form


You can find all documents for application here.

Deadline for applying:

The info session for interested applicants will be available online via Teams on 20.06.2024 at 10:00 am.

Please confirm your participation in info sessions via <> e-mail address referencing “Request for information sharing session” as a subject of e-mail by sending your Teams address latest by 19.06.2024., 23:59 pm.

The deadline for submitting your application is June 27th 2024 at 23:59 pm.

Application with all required documents should be sent to Kosovo Project Assistant email address:

The submission of an application will not necessarily result in the award of funds.

The receipt of an application cannot be considered binding for DRC.