The Danish Refugee Council, Kosovo operation (DRC), has received funds from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) for the implementation of a project “Socio-Economic Empowerment and Inclusion of Minorities Communities and Other Vulnerable Groups in Kosovo 2023-2025”
and invites all interested and qualified economic operators to submit offers for the:
*Ref.No.: PR_00322441 _ Supply of IT equipment
*Ref.No.: PR_00322454 _ Supply of painting materials and Music equipment
*Ref.No.: PR_00322660 _ supply of Sound system and TV
as per the details below:
Launch date: 10/12/2024
Deadline for submitting offers: 16/12/2024 at 16:00
The tender dossier with all relevant documents can be requested through this e-mail address: xkx-procurement@drc.ngo