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Promoting sustainable, evidence-based durable solutions programming in Kosovo - Year 2


This project will enhance durable solution opportunities for returnees by strengthening local level returns mechanism’s capacities to assess returnees’ needs and support their achievement of durable solutions and increase the impact of community integration assistance and multi-ethnic cohesion.

Building on lessons learned during 3 previous years of projects funded by PRM, DRC, in partnership with project municipalities, will take the next step towards supporting returnees in finding durable solutions for their reintegration in cooperation with remainee communities. This project will target 138 direct beneficiaries (of which 102 refugees and 36 non-refugees) as well as 72 return stakeholders, as well as an estimated 1200 indirect beneficiary families in the municipalities of Novo Brdo/Novobërdë, Gjilan/Gnjilane, Ranilug/Ranillug and Kamenicë/Kamenica (East), Prizren, Dragash/Dragaš and Štrpce/Shtërpcë (South), Klinë/Klina, and Istog/Istok (West).

The project entails activities organized into three complementary and inter-related components that rely primarily on capacity-building to promote enhanced effectiveness and efficiency of the services provided by central and local authorities. It intends to respond to returnees’ essential socio-economic reintegration needs and to reduce their isolation using a coordinated, practical and effective approach.

Project Objectives: 

To provide comprehensive durable solutions-focused data in three regional clusters including 9 municipalities. 
In collaboration with central level authorities and municipal staff, DRC will provide capacity building in terms of measuring durable solutions indicators through the updated durable solutions data focusing either on new returnees or covering indicators where challenges and needs were identified through previous assessments. Comprehensive reports will be published to improve evidence-based targeting of returns and reintegration assistance. To publicize the reports, a conference bringing together local and central-level authorities, civil society and other relevant stakeholders will serve as the means to ensure results are widely disseminated and accessible to local-level returns mechanisms.

To improve information sharing, networking and best practice exchange in three regional clusters including 9 municipalities. Through at least three workshops in three regional clusters, DRC will provide technical assistance to Municipal Commissions to fulfill their role effectively. Workshops will focus on establishing sustainable best practices in reintegration programming including participation, protection and access to livelihoods for returnees, which will lead to development of a set of guidelines for successful integration of returnees.

To improve achievement of durable solutions for rural returnees through direct, needs-based assistance.
Through operationalizing local returns mechanisms, DRC will identify most vulnerable returnee families in need of gap assistance covering either minor shelter repair, food/NFI, furniture assistance and psychosocial counseling or a combination thereof, depending on identified needs. In addition, based on Municipal Commission proposals, up to 9 proposals will be implemented. DRC will support and monitor closely the implementation of the project.

 All activities will be coordinated with institutions in Kosovo, in particular the Ministry for Communities and Return (MCR), relevant institutions in Serbia, displaced persons and their representative bodies, PRM and its partners, UNHCR, and other stakeholders to ensure that adequate support is available to returnees in pursuit of durable solutions and community stabilization.

This project is funded by the United States Government.

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